For many small businesses, free traffic from search engines like Google and Bing is the main source of visitors to their website. Unfortunately, unless a website has been optimized, the majority of these visitors are only finding the site based on “branded searches”. These people typically know the name of the company or their products, and that is exactly how they are searching to find the business.

While free search engine traffic is great, the game changer is helping visitors find your business when they aren’t specifically searching for it. Moving your website to the first page of Google for competitive, non-branded searches can have a major impact on traffic and gaining new customers.

There is nothing magical about how this is done. In most cases, it is simply the process of helping search engines better understand your products, services, and what you have to offer. This is done by aligning your website and content with the intent of the person who is searching. This can also be done with paid advertising, called SEM.

Everything you add to your website should have a purpose, and each page should be developed to provide something of value to your visitors. It is through SEO that the essence of each page is revealed to search engines. Specifically, this is done by including the right words in your content, along with crafting the proper URL, page title, headings, internal links, and much more. Done properly, every page on your site has an opportunity to rank well and drive free, non-branded search traffic to your business.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

If this is something you are trying to accomplish, we’d love to help.